picture of Ryan Coleman

Ryan Coleman


Future Educator Makes the Most of his Marywood Education

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Ryan Coleman ’25 was so certain about his decision to attend Marywood University that it was the only school he applied to. He chose Marywood because of its strong Catholic values, close proximity to his home, and the community that welcomed him in with open arms. During summer orientation, Marywood’s enthusiastic and inspirational orientation leaders were so encouraging that Coleman knew beyond a doubt that he was in exactly the right place. “I feel as if there is a sense of accomplishment being a part of the Pacer community; there is such a connection among everyone here on campus and I am proud to be a part of it," said Coleman. 

As a secondary education mathematics major and Presidential Scholarship recipient, Coleman has expressed how financial aid has helped him to be the most successful student that he can be. “I am so grateful for the support I have received since being here. Financial aid has helped me put my talents towards my goal of graduating with a degree in education,” he said. Coleman credits the education department here on campus for setting him and his classmates up for success by introducing real-life classroom settings and coursework that will prepare them for their careers after graduation.

Coleman is a member of the Chamber Singers and has found joy pursuing musical entertainment and theater with his classmates. “Being a member of the Chamber Singers, I am so entirely grateful for all of the friends and musical opportunities I have had so far. Getting involved with performing arts and theater has given me the opportunity to share my musical talents with others," said Coleman. 

Because orientation was what confirmed that Marywood was the right fit for him when he attended, Coleman volunteered as an orientation leader to give new students the same warm welcome that he experienced. “I take pride in being there for the new incoming students. I was once that shy incoming freshman who was welcomed in by my student orientation leaders,” Coleman said. “I know I am not going to please everyone in my life, but I know that if I can at least welcome one person, then I have done everything I am supposed to do here.”

Coleman has the goal of someday continuing his education after graduation with a Master’s degree in education. He hopes to be able to find a job where he is teaching mathematics in a high school setting where he can encourage students to take classes beyond the standard curriculum to help them gain a better understanding of what they want to do with their lives after graduation. “I want to be a part of the change in what we think of education, “Coleman said. “Our world is always evolving, and I want to see our education grow as well." 

As Coleman prepares to graduate in the spring of 2025, he explains the feelings he knows he will experience when walking across the stage at graduation: “It will come by so quickly, but I know I will feel a sense of accomplishment and will look back on the four years of rigorous work I have done here at Marywood. I already feel such a great sense of gratitude for the opportunities I have been given here at Marywood."

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