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Bachelor of Business Administration in Aviation Management - Airline/Airport (BA)

Soar to Success with an Aviation Management Degree

Marywood’s Aviation Management program offers two specialized tracks, catering to aspiring pilots and individuals intrigued by the business aspects of airport operations. One track focuses on pilot and flight operations, ideal for those with ambitions to soar the skies, while the other delves into airline management, catering to those inclined towards the business facets of airport operations and administration.

The fusion of aviation management with business education represents a distinguishing advantage for students, offering exceptional prospects for career advancement. On-campus pilot ground instruction supplements the program, while flight operations are facilitated through a partnership with FlyGATEWAY based out of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport situated approximately fifteen minutes from Marywood's campus.

Graduates with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Aviation Management find that the combination of aviation and business is a great asset to their professional career advancement opportunities.

  • Begin flying during your first semester
  • Only aviation management degree in northeast Pennsylvania 
  • Accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs (ACBSP)
  • FAA-certified

Top Employers

  • Airports
  • Commercial Airline Companies
  • Federal Department of Transportation
  • Flight Safety International

Top Career Paths

  • Airport Manager
  • Air Traffic Controller
  • Commercial Airline Pilot
  • Aerospace Engineer

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Undergraduate Admissions Requirements

  • Completed application
  • Official transcripts
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Official SAT and/or ACT test scores (Marywood is test optional)
  • Essay (optional)

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Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport

Flight training is conducted with FlyGATEWAY, a large flight school based out of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport. FlyGATEWAY provides Marywood Aviation students with experience for real-world application and career development, ensuring that our graduates are prepared for a thriving career in aviation upon program completion.

McGowan Center for Graduate and Professional Studies

The McGowan Center is home to the School of Business and Global Innovation. The building has state-of-the-art classrooms and computer labs.

Wall Street West Financial Lab

In 2008 a classroom in the McGowan Center was renovated into a real-time business lab. Complete with a constant stock ticker, 20 new computers, and up-to-date financial software; the new business lab helps students get the knowledge they need for the financial workforce. Also, the high-tech lab works hand-in-hand with the student-run portfolio, the Pacer Investment Fund. The Pacer Investment Fund provides students with a solid knowledge of dealing with a stock portfolio. Students deal with actual money from investors and track their stocks. Along with handling real money, business students also have to observe the performance of the investor’s stock.

The front of the McGowan Center with a metal fence serving as a railing over an edge

McGowan Center for Graduate and Professional Studies

1201 University Avenue
Map & Directions

The McGowan Center for Graduate and Professional Studies, located on the corner of University and North Washington Avenues, contains classrooms and related clinical/professional space for Communication Sciences and Disorders, Psychology and Counseling, Education, and Business students. Market Marywood is also located here.

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An aviation student practicing on Marywood's flight simulator.

Flight Simulator

Map & Directions

Marywood's flight simulator is so complete that the only things missing are parts that require it to fly! Students in the Professional Pilot/Flight Operations track of Marywood's Aviation Management program utilize the on-campus flight simulator as part of their training.

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Morris K. Udall Scholarship

The Udall Foundation seeks future leaders across a wide spectrum of environmental fields, including policy, engineering, science, education, urban planning and renewal, business, health, justice, and economics. The Foundation also seeks future Native American and Alaska Native leaders in public and community health care, tribal government, and public policy affecting Native American communities, including land and resource management, economic development, and education.

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Lou, Hongyang


McDonald, Joseph A


Nestico, Anthony J


Yost-Cotrone, Lori A


Pannone, Michelle L

80+ opportunities for you to find the right fit with 50+ undergraduate degrees and 30+ graduate and certificate courses.

From #DayOne, Marywood is here for you each step of the way.

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