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csd students participants from hearing screening event

Marywood University’s CSD Students and Faculty Engage in Service Efforts


Scranton, PA (November 15, 2022) — Students and faculty in Marywood University’s communication sciences and disorders (CSD) department have been engaged in several community service projects and events during the fall semester.

Hearing Screenings at Scranton Treasure House: Dr. Sheri Skrutski, assistant professor of practice, supervised students who completed hearing screenings at the Scranton Treasure House. All preschool students were screened at the center. If you are interested in information regarding screening opportunities, contact Dr. Skrutski at the Marywood University Speech-Language and Audiology Clinics by phone at 570-348-6299 or email at sskrutski@marywood.edu. 

Students surround the Speech Audiology and Language center sign with National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association flags

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Alzheimer’s Walk: Members of the National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NSSLHA)-Marywood Chapter participated in the 2.5 mile Walk to End Alzheimer's held on Saturday, October 15. Team members walked throughout Marywood's campus for the event. Locally, the walk raised $64,230. Marywood’s NSSLHA Chapter, composed of 19 members, raised $1,025 for the event. Money raised is providing funds for Alzheimer's care, support, and research.

Many Marywood students in costumes at a Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat Event: NSSLHA-Marywood Chapter members also held a Trunk or Treat event for clients, siblings, and friends of the Marywood University Speech and Language Clinic. Students in the CSD department, from undergraduate to graduate level, along with faculty, participated in the event. The event included decorated cars, treats, and costumes.

Communication Sciences & Disorders (BS)

Speech Language Pathology (MS)
