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Counseling and Student Development Host Sexual Assault Awareness Events


Marywood University’s Counseling and Student Development Center will host an array of events throughout the month of April in observance of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

  • Sweet Information Table (Outside Learning Commons) on Tuesday, April 6, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Celebrate the National Sexual Assault Awareness Day of Action! Stop by our “Sweet Information’ Table to get a free cookie and information about consent, respect, and how to support survivors. Students are also encouraged to wear TEAL, the color of sexual assault awareness and prevention, to provide support for survivors.
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Bingo on Wednesday, April 14, from 6-8 p.m., via Zoom. Join the C/SDC and Marywood University’s Master of Social Work Student Association to test your knowledge about the issue of sexual assault. Bingo winners will receive a prize.
  • The C/SDC and POW will give the first 100 students free Starbucks coffee in the Learning Commons on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, from 10 a.m. - noon. Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape coffee sleeves will also be distributed. Choose from tall plain or vanilla iced coffee. Brownies and Rice Krispie treats, information about consent, and It’s On Us shirts will also be available.

  • Clothesline Project – a week-long event from Monday, April 19 – Friday, April 23, at various locations. The Clothesline Project is a visual display of violence statistics that often go ignored. Each shirt hung is made anonymously by a survivor of violence or someone who has lost a loved one to violence. The purpose of the display is to increase awareness of the impact of violence and abuse, to honor a survivor’s strength, and to provide another avenue to break the silence that surrounds abuse. Students are welcome to stop by the display.

  • What Were You Wearing? A week-long event from Monday, April 19 – Friday, April 23, in the Rotunda in the Liberal Arts Center, the exhibit titled, “What Were You Wearing?,” aims to shatter the myth that sexual assault can be attributed to a person’s choice in wardrobe. Outfits will be displayed with descriptions given in stories collected from U.S. college students.
  • On Monday, April 19, a Popcorn Giveaway will take place in the Fireplace Lounge from 4 – 6 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to stop by the snack table for treats, and to receive their, It’s On Us
  • The Hunting Ground will be shown on Tuesday, April 20, from 7-9 p.m. This event will take place via Zoom, and information to the virtual event will be distributed by email. A 2015 American documentary film, The Hunting Ground is a film about the incidence of sexual assault on college campuses in the United States. Join the C/SDC in viewing the movies and stay after for a conversation about sexual assault, stigma, the #MeToo movement, and much more. 
  • On Wednesday, April 21, Exposed: Uncovering the Truth About Sexual Assault Prevention event will take place via Zoom, from 7-9 p.m. Information will be made available by email. Are you interested in learning how YOU can make a difference? Do you want to know how to help someone you care about? If so, this event is for you! Join us virtually to uncover the truth about sexual assault prevention and talk about ways we can work together to make a difference. 
  • Pacers, Prevent & Empower! Culminating Workshop, via Zoom, from 7-9 p.m., on Thursday, April 22. Have you attended the other events, but you are still looking for more information? Did you miss an event and have lingering questions? Join us virtually to wrap up Sexual Assault Awareness month with a panel of speakers ready to answer your questions and provide the “need to know” information about Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention. 
  • On Wednesday, April 28, from 1-3 p.m., outside the Learning Commons, celebrate Denim Day. Wear jeans with a purpose, support survivors, and educate yourself and others about all forms of sexual violence on Demin Day! Join us outside the Learning Commons to color a denim jacket or jeans picture with what you learned this month or how you can work to create a culture of safety and support in your community. An assortment of cookies will be provided. Tag @marywooduniversity_csdc on Facebook or Instagram in your Denim Day attire, or It’s On Us shirt, to be entered to win a prize. 

To learn more about any of these events, receive additional support, or get involved in our outreach and advocacy programming, please contact the Counseling/Student Development Center at (570) 348-6245, or email csdc@marywood.edu.
