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five student with gifts

Students Collect Gifts for Local Organizations


Marywood University’s department of communication, sciences, and disorders, along with its student chapter of the National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association, recently collected gifts to support the University’s Campus Ministry’s Christmas Giving Tree project.

Each year, the Christmas Giving Trees are set up in various locations on campus. The trees are decorated with ornaments for children of all ages, elderly persons, and homeless individuals. Members of the Marywood community are invited to take an ornament, purchase an appropriate gift for the individual on the ornament, and deliver the unwrapped gifts with tag attached to campus ministry. Gifts are donated to Friends of the Poor; St. Anthony’s Haven Men & Women’s Shelter; Our Lady of Peace Residence; the United Neighborhood Centers; the Employment Opportunity Training Center (EOTC), and the Holy Family Residence.

For additional information about Marywood University’s Giving Tree project, please visit the Campus Ministry department or call (570) 961-4723. For additional information about the Communication, Sciences, and Disorders department, please visit marywood.edu/csd, or call (570) 348-6299, ext. 2608.


Pictured (left to right): Kristen Meyer, Skillman, N.J.; Nicole Coombs, Highland Mills, N.Y.; Emily Zarrilli, Staten Island, N.Y.; Lauren Besecker, Flemington, N.J.; and Claudia Shandra, Hughestown, Pa., Marywood University students from the communication, sciences, and disorders department, along with its student chapter members of the National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association, who recently collected gifts to support local organizations throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania.
