/life-at-mu/student-experience/health-services/index false
Student Health Services

Student Health Services

 Marywood’s Student Health Services are available to any enrolled student at the university.

To access the Marywood Student Health Portal, a student will use their same Marywood You username and password.

Uploading instructions:

Step 1: Scan and save all health documents to your computer, or take a picture of the documents with your smart phone. *Make sure all documents have the student's name and ID. Documents will not be accepted if they do not contain identifying information on them.

Step 2: Once you have logged into the portal, choose the document you are uploading in the "choose document you are uploading" drop down menu

Step 3: Click "select file" and locate the file on your computer or smart phone

Step 4: Click the "upload" button. *You may not see the document immediately, but when you attempt another upload, or log back in, it should be visible.

*Students will be able to view all the documents that have been uploaded.

Student Health Portal

Waiver and Enrollment Deadlines

  • ANNUAL Enrollment Deadline: September 15th
  • SPRING Enrollment Deadline: February 15th (for new incoming students only)
  • SUMMER Enrollment Deadline: June 1st (for new incoming students only)

Notice:  You do not have to wave your insurance for summer. You only need to enroll if you want coverage.  For summer enrollment, contact the Student Accounts Office at 570-348-6212.

All full-time undergraduate, graduate, and international students are required to have health insurance (Students enrolled in fully online programs are exempt from this requirement). Students may waive coverage of the University Endorsed Plan if they are able to demonstrate proof of their own health insurance coverage. Students who need coverage must enroll by the deadline. Once enrolled, the insurance cards can be printed from the website.

Information on the University-endorsed insurance is also available on the UnitedHealthcare® Student Resources Website. If you have any questions or concerns regarding coverage, please contact the insurance company. 

Any student enrolled in the University Sponsored Health Plan has 24/7 access to behavioral/mental and medical telehealth service through HealthiestYou By Teladoc.

All plans include:

  • 24/7 Student assistance program
  • 24/7 HealthiestYou by Teladoc
  • Behavioral medicine telehealth services
  • Global emergency medical assistance
  • Intramural and club sports coverage

Clinical Services are offered throughout the Fall and Spring Semesters.

To schedule a visit, please make an appointment by calling 570-348-6249 or emailing healthservice@marywood.edu.

Administrative Services are available year round.
Office is closed when campus is closed for holidays and inclement weather.
 After hours, students are referred to a local Hospital Emergency Department.

Logging into Docuphase (formerly Frevvo)?

Remember to use your unique username (your MarywoodYou username) + @marywoodcloud.edu
Your password is the same as your MarywoodYou password
Username: eng00 Docuphase Username: eng00@marywoodcloud.edu OR
Username: tsmith Docuphase Username: tsmith@marywoodcloud.edu

Student Health Services Forms

It Is The Law: The Pennsylvania State Legislature passed a meningitis vaccination law in 2002 pertaining to students residing in residence halls. This legislation requires that all students residing in a residence hall in Pennsylvania be vaccinated for meningococcal meningitis before moving onto a college campus unless they have signed a waiver after receiving information about the disease and the benefits of the vaccine.   

Please use The Student Health Portal for all other needs.

The Student Health Services staff's work is based on a comprehensive wellness philosophy.   

Medical services, health information, and counseling are available to all students. Primary care (assessment and treatment) and referrals to community physicians and to campus and community resources for health education and counseling are provided. Strict professional privacy and confidentiality standards are maintained.

Patient's Bill of Rights

A patient has the right:

  • To considerate and respectful care
  • To be treated with dignity
  • To health care that is accessible and meets professional standards, regardless of the setting
  • To appropriate privacy during examinations and treatments
  • To coordination and continuity of care
  • To expect that all communications and records pertaining to his/her care will be confidential
  • To have the opportunity to approve or refuse release of records
  • To informed participation in all decisions involving his/her health care
  • To information regarding time and services available as well as information regarding after hours and emergency care
  • To information about the names, qualifications and titles of personnel responsible for providing his/her health care
  • To refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law: to be informed of the medical consequences of his/her action
  • To be aware of means for expressing dissatisfaction with services and to make recommendations for improvement

Additional Policies & Laws

Health History Physical & Immunization

All undergraduate and graduate students are expected to submit documentation of 2 MMR vaccines. Students who choose to use the Health Center must complete a Health History, Authorization to Treat, Physical, and Immunization Record before non-emergency services can be provided. Resident students who do not submit the completed forms may be required to live off campus (Approved by the Board of Trustees 2000).


For information on the HIPAA Law please visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Medical Records Destruction

Students' medical records or any part thereof shall be destroyed by shredding, or other effective methods in keeping with the confidential nature of its contents. Destruction of such records must be made in the ordinary course of business.

Student Health Services is responsible for ensuring that the records have been properly destroyed.

Medical Records Retention

Pennsylvania rules and regulations pertaining to patients medical records, 49 Pa. Code § 16.95(e) (2008) and 28 Pa. Code § 115.23 (2008). Pennsylvania law requires physicians and hospitals to retain patient medical records for seven years from the last date of service or discharge. Records of minors must be kept for one year past the age of majority by physicians, and seven years past the age of majority by hospitals..

The Marywood University Student Health Services Policy is as follows:

  • A student will have continuous access to their personally uploaded electronic records through their Student Health Portal
  • Previous paper records (prior to 2021) will be held for seven years. Records older than seven years will not be available or retrievable

Medical Records Security

Medical Records are now safeguarded in an electronic health portal. Previous paper records are secured under lock and key, allowing only authorized personnel access to the records.


Marywood follows the most up to date COVID guidelines, as per the CDC and PA Department of Health. If you have specific questions, please contact Student Health Services at 570-348-6249.

Alcohol Poisoning

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  1. Person is unconscious or semi-unconscious and cannot be awakened. 

  2. Cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin.

  3. Check to see if breathing is slow, less than eight times per minute or irregular, with ten seconds or more between breaths.

  4. Vomiting while sleeping or passed out, and not waking up after vomiting.

What To Do: 

If a person has any of these symptoms, he or she is suffering from alcohol intoxication and you need to:

  1. Get help. Call someone a staff mentor, an ambulance, public safety, someone who can help.

  2. Do not leave the person alone. Turn the victim on his/her side to prevent choking in case of vomiting.

  3. Always be "better safe than sorry" if you are not sure what to do. How can your friend be angry about you caring for him or her?

First Aid

Flu Shot Locator

Healthy Eating

HIV/Aids Resources

Caring Communities

  • Our clinics are accepting walk-in patients for STI or HIV screening and testing. We still highly recommend making an appointment to ensure you can be seen on your chosen day.
  • Appointments can be made at Caringpa.org or by calling 570-899-3536

JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES (HIV Counseling and Referral Services Only)

615 Jefferson Ave.
Scranton, PA

  • Individual & Family Counseling
  • Information & Referral Services Provided


    100 Lackawanna Ave
    Scranton, PA

    • Free Confidential or Anonymous Testing
    • Fourth Wednesday of every month from 9 a.m.. to 11:00 a.m.
    • No appointment necessary

    The Wright Center for Primary Care

    640 Madison Ave.
    Scranton, PA

    • Free Confidential HIV Testing
    • Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    • No appointment necessary


      410 Olive Street
      Scranton, PA

      • Free, Confidential, and Anonymous HIV Testing
      • Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
      • No appointment necessary
      • After hours testing is available by appointment

      Kick The Habit

      Pregnancy Test

      For free pregnancy testing please call: 

      • Saint Joseph's Center: 570-963-1261 or 1-800-786-6346
      • Birthright of Scranton:  570-961-1133 

      STI/STD Testing

      For free STD testing please call: Maternal & Family Health Services, 640 Madison Ave, Scranton at 570-961-5550.

      Please call 570-348-6249 or stop in Student Health Services Office with any questions or concerns regarding STD's and testing. 

      Caring Communities

      • Our clinics are accepting walk-in patients for STI or HIV screening and testing. We still highly recommend making an appointment to ensure you can be seen on your chosen day.
      • Appointments can be made at Caringpa.org or by calling 570-899-3536

      Counseling & Student Development Center


      • Services
      • First Aid/Emergencies
      • Sick and Problem Visits - Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment
      • Physical Examinations Including Screenings and Tuberculosis Testing
      • Allergy and Medication Injections
      • Nutrition Counseling
      • Non-Prescription Medications
      • Medical Supplies (On Loan Basis)
      • Liaison Between Community Health Agencies and Marywood Students

      Except for emergencies, health services are available by appointment only. We offer same-day appointments for sick and problem visits. To schedule, please call our office at 570-348-6249. For any questions, feel free to email healthservice@marywood.edu.

        Area Medical Facilities

        Helpful resources in the area for your health needs. 

        Coordinated Health Scranton Orthopedics                                                                              

        334 Main Street
        Dickson City, PA 18519                                                                                                            
        Phone 570-307-1767                                                                                                               

        Medicus Urgent Care 

        1208 O'Neill Highway
        Dunmore, PA

        Lake Scranton Urgent Care

        1141 Moosic Street, Suite 3

        Scranton, Pa 18508



        Geisinger Careworks

        3  W. Olive Street
        Scranton, PA

        Geisinger Careworks

        1020 Northern Blvd (located in Weis Market behind the Pharmacy)
        Clarks Summit, PA

        The Wright Center for Primary Care
        (Formerly the Scranton-Temple Health Center)

        640 Madison Ave.
        Scranton PA

        For a list of free clinics, call Student Health Services at 570-348-6249.

        Dr.John Evanish

        400 Wyoming Avenue
        Scranton, PA

        Dr. David Oven

        320 W. Drinker St
        Dunmore, PA 

        Health Network Laboratories

        Scranton Patient Service Center
        Electric City Plaza
        3 West Olive Street, Suite 2
        Scranton, PA 18508
        Phone: 570-909-9085


        521 Mt. Pleasant Drive
        Suite 202
        Scranton, PA

        Pennant Labs

        620 N. Blakely St.
        Dunmore, PA

        Quest Diagnostics 

        1612 Nay Aug Ave
        Scranton, PA

        Viemont Medical Labs

        Dunmore Shopping Center
        1204 O'Neill Hwy
        Dunmore, PA

        Lehigh Valley Hospital-Dickson City

        330 Main St
        Dickson City, PA 18519

        Moses Taylor Hospital

        700 Quincy Ave.
        Scranton, PA

        Regional Hospital of Scranton

        746 Jefferson Ave.
        Scranton, PA

        Geisinger-Community Medical Center

        1800 Mulberry St.
        Scranton, PA

        Geisinger Viewmont Imaging
        5 Morgan Hwy.
        Scranton, PA

        Moses Taylor Advanced Imaging

        1000 Meade St.,
        Scranton, PA

        Mid State Occupational
        1000 Meade Street
        Scranton, PA


        110 Green Ridge St.
        Scranton, PA
        329 S. Blakely St.
        Dunmore, PA

        DePietro's Pharmacy

        617 Third Street
        Dunmore, PA 18512

        Rite Aid

        217 S. Blakely St.
        Dunmore PA


        101 Green Ridge St.
        Scranton, PA

        Caresite Pharmacy

        125 Scranton-Pocono Hwy.
        Scranton, PA  18505

        Dr. Joseph Gershey

        1034 Main Street
        Dickson City, PA

        Eye Care Specialists

        425 Adams Ave.
        Scranton, PA

        Northeastern Eye Institute

        200 Mifflin Ave.
        Scranton, PA 

        Vision Care at Walmart

        900 Commerce Blvd
        Dickson City, PA

        Meet the Health Services Staff

        Inode: 524a0b82-953c-415d-90b7-8fa7e8f9abff

        Semester Events

        When Event Location
        Fall 2023 Semester
        Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 11am – 1pm  Free Vaccine Clinic

        Free Vaccine Clinic

        Date/Time: Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 11am – 1pm EDT
        Location: Loughran Hall 24hour Lounge

        The event on Wednesday October 11th will be a Flu Clinic Sponsored by Rite-Aid Pharmacy and will take place from 11AM - 1PM in the 24 Hour Lounge of Loughran Hall. The clinic is open to all members of the Marywood Community and is FREE with most insurances*.

        Requirements to participate:  No appointments are needed. You must bring your health insurance card, photo ID, and to expedite the process, please bring a photocopy of the front of your health insurance card. It is also asked that you print, complete, and bring the attached form with you.


        *Note:  Please check with your insurance carrier if you have questions regarding your coverage. Current cash price is $25


        Email Reminder
        Loughran Hall 24hour Lounge
        Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 10am – 2pm  Free Confidential STI Testing

        Free Confidential STI Testing

        Date/Time: Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 10am – 2pm EDT
        Location: Loughran Hall Student Health Center

        Free Confidential STI Testing Clinic through Caring Communities. These walk-in clinics will not require appointments. Questions about testing can be directed to Caring Communities by calling 570-829-2700 or 1-800-758-9150 or Student Health Services at 570-348-6249.


        Email Reminder
        Loughran Hall Student Health Center
        Thursday, October 26, 2023, 1:30 – 3:30pm  COVID-19 & Flu Vaccine Clinic

        COVID-19 & Flu Vaccine Clinic

        Date/Time: Thursday, October 26, 2023, 1:30 – 3:30pm EDT
        Location: Nazareth Hall Upper Main-Large Side

        All members of the Marywood Community are welcome and encouraged to attend this COVID-19 and Flu Vaccine Clinic sponsored by the Clinics at Scranton Primary Health Care Center. Vaccines are covered by most insurances. Uninsured and underinsured patients are eligible to receive both vaccines at no cost. 


        Email Reminder
        Nazareth Hall Upper Main-Large Side
        Spring 2024 Semester
        Thursday, January 25, 2024, 3 – 4pm EST WRC Stalking Awareness Event

        WRC Stalking Awareness Event

        Date/Time: Thursday, January 25, 2024, 3 – 4pm EST
        Location: Swartz Conferecne Room E

        Marywood University to Hold Community Stalking Awareness Campaign
        January Is National Stalking Awareness Month
        Scranton, PA (January 16, 2024) — January 2024 marks the 20th National Stalking
        Awareness Month, an annual call to action to recognize and respond to the serious crime
        of stalking.
        Stalking is defined as a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that causes fear.
        Many stalking victims experience being followed, approached, monitored and/or
        threatened—including through various forms of technology. Victims and survivors often
        suffer anxiety, social dysfunction, and severe depression as a result of their victimization,
        and many lose time from work and/or move.
        As a part of the Department of Justice Grant, Project SHARE, Marywood’s prevention
        education efforts of the grant will be supporting a Stalking Awareness Week, January 22-
        26, 2024. The events scheduled are as follows:
        ? January 22 - Sweet Information Table, Learning Commons, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m.:
        This will be a tabling event where students can pick up information (flyers,
        brochures, etc) about Stalking Awareness on a college campus.
        ? January 23 - Stalking In the Media Presentation, Upper Main, Nazareth Student
        Center, 5-6 p.m.: This event is a presentation about how the media portrays
        stalking behaviors.
        ? January 25, 2024 - Stalking Awareness Presentation, given by the Women's
        Resource Center (WRC), Swartz Center, from 3-4 p.m.: WRC will give a
        presentation on stalking behaviors and ways to stay safe.


        Email Reminder
        Swartz Conferecne Room E
        Monday, March 4, 2024, 10am – 2pm EST Free Confidential STI Testing

        Free Confidential STI Testing

        Date/Time: Monday, March 4, 2024, 10am – 2pm EST
        Location: Loughran Hall Student Health Center

        Free Confidential STI Testing Clinic through Caring Communities. These walk-in clinics will not require appointments. Questions about testing can be directed to Caring Communities by calling 570-829-2700 or 1-800-758-9150 or Student Health Services at 570-348-6249.


        Email Reminder
        Loughran Hall Student Health Center
        Fall 2024 Semester
        Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 11am – 1pm  Flu vaccine clinic

        Flu vaccine clinic

        Date/Time: Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 11am – 1pm EDT
        Location: Loughran Hall 24hour Lounge

        Flu vaccine clinic


        Email Reminder
        Loughran Hall 24hour Lounge