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Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) (BS)

Take the Next Step in Your Nursing Career Through the Online RN to BSN Program

Working registered nurses (RNs) can take the next step in their career goals by pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) at Marywood University in a program accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). We offer a special track of study, designed to meet your specific needs as you earn your RN to BSN degree and advance your professional goals.

Knowledgeable and involved faculty work closely with you in leading-edge scientific facilities at Marywood, presenting nursing research from around the globe and guiding you as you pursue opportunities in the local region for hands-on clinical experience.

Graduates of the nursing program who successfully pass the NCLEX licensure exam are prepared to practice in a variety of health care settings, including: critical care, community health, public health, primary care, acute care, long-term care, home health, and mental health care, as well as pharmaceutical and administrative settings.

  • Take the next step in your nursing career
  • Specially designed RN to BSN track of study
  • Highly credentialed faculty
  • Expand your professional practice opportunities in the online BSN program for RNs

Top Employers

  • Hospitals
  • Clinical/Doctor's Office
  • Mental Health Office
  • School Districts

Top Career Paths

  • Registered Nurse
  • General/ Family Practitioner
  • Nursing Administrator
  • Nursing Educator

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Test Dates & Location

Starting September 2020 students have the ability to test remotely at their convenience.

Please see the Student Guide to NLN Testing as well the NLN Challenge Exams Information Sheet for how to sign up for exams. 

NOTE: students need to create a new account through the link listed on the Info Sheet. If you go not use that particular link we will not get your scores. 

**if you have any questions please contact the LPN to BSN coordinator, Dr. Kathleen Healy-Karabell at khealy-karabell@marywood.edu 

**Please note: when you complete an exam please email Ms. Notari to let her know you have completed an exam so she can pull the scores.

Students may only take each exam one time.

The following NLN Challenge test(s) are available:

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Nutrition
  • Microbiology

NLN Nursing Acceleration Challenges Exams:

  • NACE II Care of the Adult Client (passing score gives student credit for NURS350/NURS351)
  • NACE II Nursing Care of Child (passing score gives student credit for NURS 450A)
  • NACE II Nursing Care of Childbearing Family (passing scores gives students credit for NURS 450B).

Please see the Student Guide to NLN Testing Portal to create a new username, password, and to register for the appropriate test. Students may test remotely at home at their convenience. 

Students choosing to receive advanced standing credit for Chemistry need to visit the CLEP website. (Please note CLEP exams are not administered by Marywood University.)

Visit Admissions

Center for Natural & Health Sciences

The Department of Nursing is located in the Center for Natural & Health Sciences. It is equipped with a state of the art simulation laboratory. It also houses the Comerford Theatre, which is one of the largest lecture halls on campus.

Clinical Simulation Lab

The use of SimMan and Vital Sim Models along with the newly purchased Nursing Anne and SimMom provides an opportunity to experience realistic clinical situations. The new skills lab is a state of the art facility that helps students establish fundamental critical thinking skills that can be applied in nursing practice.

Student Lounge

Within the sim lab, students have access to a student lounge where they can study and socialize and they have access to a microwave and refrigerator. Students can access the lab and the lounge with their Marywood ID card.  

Computer Lab

Students have access to a computer lab with up-to-date resources for academic development located right inside the Center for Natural & Health Sciences. Other computer labs are available across campus. 

Nursing Skills Lab

The Nursing Skills Lab in the Center for Natural and Health Sciences is equipped with patient simulators, Turning Point technology, and patient mannequins that afford students the opportunity to practice a range of nursing skills. This simulation lab offers students an environment to apply knowledge in a safe setting, fostering critical thinking. The simulators are programmed to respond physiologically to diseases, trauma, and interactions as human beings. Realistic patient scenarios can be simulated in a controlled environment in which students can practice the nursing process, critical thinking, and decision making.

The Nursing Department utilizes various healthcare facilities that include acute and critical care, pediatric, obstetrics, long term care, psychiatric and mental health, and community care settings. These facilities serve populations of culturally and ethnically diverse backgrounds, offering the students exposure to a microcosm of the larger global community in which they will practice after graduation.

The front of the science center with a Marywood banner on the lightpole in front of it and multiple trees surrounding the building

Center for Natural and Health Sciences

206 Morgan Road
Map & Directions

The Center for Natural and Health Sciences contains various science laboratories, computer labs, the 100-seat Comerford Theatre, and various classrooms. Classrooms for our Math and Computer Science, Science, and Public Administration programs are in this building.

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Two large wooden desks with anatomic pictures lay across in a Marywood science classroom

Science Center Classrooms

Map & Directions

The Center for Natural and Health Sciences contains classrooms for our Math and Computer Science, Science, and Public Administration programs.

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Four rows of computers in the Science Center

Science Center Computer Labs

Map & Directions

Room 102, Room 103 (Science, Nursing, and Math/Computer Science Majors Only). Printer available.

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Morris K. Udall Scholarship

The Udall Foundation seeks future leaders across a wide spectrum of environmental fields, including policy, engineering, science, education, urban planning and renewal, business, health, justice, and economics. The Foundation also seeks future Native American and Alaska Native leaders in public and community health care, tribal government, and public policy affecting Native American communities, including land and resource management, economic development, and education.

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Payment Deadline CalEndAr

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Tulaney, Dr. Theresa


Ciesielski, Dr. April Lynn


Dalton, Sarah L


Holod, Danielle A


Powell, Katrina


Vinton, Jonelle M


Rogan, Emily M


Wescott, Amy-Jo

80+ opportunities for you to find the right fit with 50+ undergraduate degrees and 30+ graduate and certificate courses.

Learn more about nursing student responsibilities, special fees, student rights, and more. 

Visit Student Resources site LPN-BSN Challenge Tests

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Nursing (RN to BSN) (BS)