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Black Lives Matter Yellow and Black Banner hung on Learning Commons Overlook

We Stand with You


We Proclaim with one voice that Black Lives Matter: 

In this time of national turmoil, pain, and grief, Marywood University stands in solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters across the country. Together we mourn the loss of George Floyd and countless other men and women of color whose lives have been taken by the epidemic of racism. Together we call on our elected representatives to enact laws that genuinely reflect the ideals of justice and equality for all. Together we proclaim with one voice that Black lives matter. 

In difficult moments such as these, it is especially important to remember that Jesus’s central message is to “love one another as I have loved you.” But we must also acknowledge that God’s love is more than a gift, it is a call to action. It is in this spirit of radical love that we reaffirm Marywood’s commitment to the pursuit of social justice rooted in the dignity and humanity of every human being. As members of the Marywood community, answering the call of our mission and core values:

We commit to listening to the voices of our Black brothers and sisters that have too long been silenced or dismissed and to learning from their stories, however difficult their experiences may be to hear.

We commit to being agents of change working to dismantle the structures of racism and healing the deep divisions in our country. 

We commit to confronting and challenging the racism we encounter in our daily lives wherever we find it.

We commit to preserving Marywood as a safe space for persons of all identities and to creating opportunities for dialogue in pursuit of common understanding and respect.

We commit to continuing to educate our students to empathize, to question, and to work for justice for all members of our diverse and interdependent world. 

In the days to come, Marywood will initiate a series of conversations and other activities, and we invite all members of the community to join us in our commitment to eradicate the sin of racism. Together we pray for courage, for compassion, and for wisdom as we sustain one another in the pursuit of justice and the healing of our wounded nation.
